My family is to be the picture of your family. The tabernacle of Moses was built by the design of the tabernacle in Heaven. The things I desire to bring to Earth are found in Heaven first and drawn down from the Kingdom of Light. Your understanding of family must come from Me. Human wisdom is foolishness, for there is a way that seems right to a man that leads to death.
Trust in Me with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Trusting in Me means valuing My Counsel over that of your peers. My word is confirmed in you and never returns void.
The Father’s will comes first and foremost. He is the head of the household. In the same way that I, as a Son, submitted to His will in the garden… so should the household submit to the will of the father. There are no exceptions to this, I reward those who submit to My will instead of their own. If the head of the house is unrighteous, the wife ought to sanctify him by her prayers. I only permit separation when adultery has occurred. So first, wives must submit to their husbands.
Husbands are to administer grace in gentleness, bearing the responsibility for the household. I have given man the position of authority in the household, so he must be governed by the fear of the Lord for this is the beginning of wisdom. Husbands must continue to pursue loving their wives as I pursue My Church and loving her. I am passionate about My Body; I love her with excessive affections, devotion, loyalty, mercy, and tenderness. Love must be pursued, do not neglect your first love… pursue it. A woman that feels loved responds to My heart with affections. Earthly husbands are to represent the love of the eternal Bridegroom as an earthly picture of a heavenly reality. Women trust in love, for love is in God, and testifies with their spirit.
Mothers must love with the love of the Spirit. He is the Comforter, the Helper, and the Teacher. As mothers raise their children and train them in the way they should go, mothers ought to invite the Holy Spirit to teach the children in My Ways. In times of frustration, anger, disappointment… invite Him into the situation and the household that My Peace may rest upon you. As children grow in age and maturity you must grow in grace and patience. Patience and longsuffering are rarely sought by those that follow Me, but it is My will that My people be patient as I am patient. Did I not patiently wait for your repentance from a life of sin? Do I not patiently wait for you to ask for My counsel and seek My face? My people must respond with My love when faced with children that try to stir anger or frustration. Though you are immature and children, do I punish you when you sin against Me? Is it not a greater sin to offend Me than you? I respond with swift forgiveness and am very slow to anger, so must you be. The enemy would have you react to circumstance, instead seek My will and invite My Spirit for reacting from the flesh is sin.
The enemy will certainly come against every household, especially those pursuing Me. I have not allowed this, you have. You have authority over him as I have given to you. Exercise that authority over every obstacle & attack. I am your shelter in distress and will always guide you in the way you should go. My sheep hear My voice; I know them and they follow Me. So must you.
This article is not scripture nor should it be interpreted as such. It is what I felt the Lord speaking to me.