I used to keep a journal of miracles & supernatural events that occurred to me, but having gone through extreme seasons of seeing a lot of miracles it was getting inundating to recount all the Lord had done (what a wonderful problem to have... right?!). In lieu of the upkeep of that journal, here are a few of the more recent miracles I have seen within the last couple months... I share these to encourage your faith and testify of what THE LORD has done.
- A man came to the prophetic booths and the Lord gave me an accurate word of knowledge for back pain which this gentleman had suffered from for years. After only a few seconds of prayer, he testified that his back was healed and the pain had left!
- An elderly gentleman came in to the healing rooms as he was suffering from back pain, hip pain, and spinal problems. The woman I was praying with received a word of knowledge that one leg was shorter than the other. I held up his feet and his right leg was over an inch shorter than the left. After about 10-20 seconds of commanding the right leg to grow... the heels were perfectly even!
- At Kroger a woman was walking with a cane and she was in her late twenties. I asked her what happened and she said she had been in a car accident and had two herniated disks. The back pain had caused her to lose her job too. I prayed for her once... and there was no change. I asked if I could pray again and reminded her that Jesus had to pray twice for the man that "saw people walking around like trees" and she agreed. After the second time her back pain entirely left and tears streamed down her face as the Lord touched her!
- In the healing rooms, a woman came in with a headache, sore throat, chest pain, a cough, and vision problems in her right eye. After we laid hands on her throat and had her take a few deep breaths all the chest pain, cough, and sore throat left. We laid hands on her head and the headache left. Then we prayed for the vision problem in her right eye and it too was totally healed! She had a whole makeover!